Nothing feels worse in the Apex Legends Control game mode than being on the losing end, only to have your teammates leave the game. There have been cases of 9v3 and other absurd, disproportionate battles, all because teammates decide to leave when you are losing. Many players hoped something would be done about this. Today, the Apex team released a small patch that would do just that.

Penalties for leaving a game of Control have been added, similar to the leaver penalties in Arenas more so than Ranked Leagues. This will discourage players from leaving if they are losing but will not necessarily prevent it from happening. They will, however, prevent players from joining another match for a certain amount of time.

Many players wanted a sub-in system instead, allowing players to leave and join mid-match, with an opt-in to queue into ongoing games. There is a chance that something like that could be added in the future, but there is no sign that it is currently a plan. The leaver penalty seems to be how developer Respawn has solved the issue.

Control will continue to be playable in Apex Legends until March 1.

For more Apex Legends content, check out All Timed Events in Control Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.