The original Blade Runner, an adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, was set in a dystopian LA in the year 2019. Synthetic humans known as replicants were bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Corporation to work on space colonies, but when a fugitive group of advanced replicants escaped back to Earth, a cop – played by Harrison Ford – reluctantly agrees to hunt them down. The film also starred Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos.

The 2017 sequel, Blade Runner 2049, which is set in the year 2049, starred Ryan Gosling as a replicant blade runner who uncovers a secret that threatens to destabilize all of society. Ford and Olmos reprised their roles from the original, alongside the new additions of Ana de Armas, Dave Bautista, and Jared Leto.

As one can likely glean from the title, Blade Runner 2099 will take place set 50 years later, though the exact details of the story, characters, and setting have not been revealed at this time.