If you were trying to play games with your friends over Xbox Live recently then you might have noticed some issues. Xbox Live’s Status has been in a limited state for the last few hours, with Friends and a few other services being either limited or completely down. Many of the problems have been fixed at this time, but the question with any outage like this is, what went wrong. The answer seems to be, as it was before, The Lizard Squad.

On one of Lizard Squad’s official Twitter profiles they claimed responsibility for the outage, which was apparently carried out via DDoS attack. Multiple tweets referenced the outage, giving credit to those that helped and making jokes about how Xbox was trending. One tweet also mentioned the previous attack around Christmastime and how the group ended after being paid off by Kim Dotcom. According to the tweet that tactic would not work this time around.

The attack seems to have subsided, with Xbox services beginning to get back to normal and Lizard Squad announcing that there is “more to come.” With the group’s penchant for taking out gaming services, such as Xbox Live and PSN, this could signal some rough times ahead for Microsoft and Sony fans.

  • This article was updated on March 7th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Lizard Squad Claiming Responsibility for Xbox Live Outage

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