American actress Lori Loughlin is rumored to have been kicked off of Fuller House in response to a recent controversy. Lori Loughlin, a star of the Netflix original sit-com, has been accused to be a part of a scam to get her daughter into a prestigious college.

Lori Loughlin has been accused of paying the University of Southern California $500,000 to get USC to admit both her daughters, including Olivia Giannull, to pose as a rowing team member.  Both Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, have been taken into custody over the accusations made against them. Neither Gianulli or Loughlin have made a public statement yet. The US attorney overlooking the case had the following words to say on the matter:

This controversy has irritated many parents who feel their own children were unfairly turned down from the prestigious college in favor of those bribed in instead. One American mother was so angry with Lori Loughlin that she has filed a lawsuit against the 33 parents charge with bribing worth $500,000.000.000 (500 billion dollars). Her son was turned down earlier in the year for undisclosed reasons. In her civil suit, she says she is “outraged and hurt,” that her son missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime for unfair reasons.

Netflix was apparently not interested in involving Loughlin in the fifth season of their Full House sequel. Debuting this fall, fans of Fuller House would have been expecting Lori Loughlin to return as usual in her long-serving role of Aunt Becky. Having performed this role both in the original 80’s sitcom Full House as well as its modern sequel, losing her will be a huge blow for the series. It should be interesting to see how the show’s writers go about removing Aunt Becky from any future narrative.