One of the main parts of any MMORPG is getting together with a party of people to help take on the game’s challenges, both big and small. Lost Ark, the MMO that recently saw its Steam release and has since exploded in popularity, is no different. Sometimes, players want to go it alone, if only for a little while. This means it is essential to know how to leave a party or get players to leave when you want to do some questing yourself. Luckily, Lost Ark has a relatively simple way of leaving a party, though it might not be clear how to do so at the start. This guide will explain how to leave a party in Lost Ark.

How To Leave A Party In Lost Ark

When you join or create a party, you should be able to see the names of everyone within the party on the left side of your screen. It will show the names of the players that are currently within the party. If you want to leave the party, find your name in the list of party members, press ctrl, and right-click your name. A menu will open, and there will be the option to “Leave Party.” Click that option, and you will be removed from the party, allowing you to join a new one or explore the world of Lost Ark by yourself.

Lost Ark: Tragedy Written in Stone Guide

If you happen to be the one to create the party, you can still leave the party you created through the same process laid out above, but if you want to keep the party and get some specific people out of it, you can press ctrl and right-click on their names, which will bring up a menu of different options. This includes seeing their profile, sending a friend request, and the kick player button most important for this guide. Simply click on the button, and that player will be removed from your party.

Lost Ark is available exclusively on PC via Steam.