Nestled within stormy seas north of Vern, Shadow Island houses a series of medium to high-intensity combat challenges for adventurers looking for activities with which to bridge the gap between story progression and end-game raids. At the top of the island sits Shadespire Tower, its multiple floors providing varying levels of difficulty to the player from top to bottom.

To the Shadespire

Disembarking at Shadow Island, players will first encounter Zardin, captain of what appear to be the injured and downtrodden mercenaries strewn about him. Upon issuing orders to retreat, Zardin finds that one of his men, Rakil, had failed to escape the tower. He offers the player a few silver and some stone fragments, should they be daring enough — or foolish enough — to scale the tower on their own.

The Scent of Blood

Scaling only the slightest bit up the tower, however, the player finds Rakil unharmed, standing trance-like in one of its first rooms. Alerted from his trance by the player, he suddenly remembers that two of his allies — Ganecron and Kangal — had sacrificed themselves to get him to safety.

Players are then tasked with proceeding to the tower’s second floor, in pursuit of Ganecron. The dungeon-crawling elements involved in this quest-line have relatively low requirements, with players needing a minimum of level 50 on a character with item level 250 to participate in the climb.

While Ganecron can be located on the second floor — alive, albeit mortally wounded — the same cannot be said of what remains of Kangal on the fourth. Returning to Rakil with this news, he will be disappointed, not only to have lost his friends, but to have gotten the player involved with Shadespire Tower in the first place.

Vile Debris

One of Rakil’s fellow mercenaries, Jenkrix, is working to track the residual evil energy lingering within the tower. To study this, and to also prove the player’s mettle against the tower’s bosses, he tasks them with slaying enough of the tower’s demons to gather and retrieve 100 Vile Debris.

Any minion enemy that spawns in support of a floor’s boss counts as a demon for the purpose of this quest, but debris tends to drop in larger amounts when bosses are killed. With these support enemies constantly respawning to supplement fallen ranks, Vile Debris should be in no short supply, but the process of gathering them all will still be a substantial grind.

Debris Gatherer

Ditto. No, seriously, take Vile Debris’ concept as a quest and repeat it, returning with the same amount of debris as the prior quest required. To ease the grinding process, enemies on the second and third floors provide minimal resistance for their debris yield.

An Important Record

After contributing to Jenkrix’s shopping list, fellow mercenary Ryndon deems the player worthy of retrieving the records of Leshar, the mage of the Ivory Tower, who is likely the man responsible for the corruption of Shadespire Tower. Unfortunately, these records were taken by the mercenaries up to the tower’s fifth floor. For the player to retrieve these records, however, they must first defeat Rictus and Alifer, twin bosses of the fifth floor.

Shadow’s Mark

Once in possession of Leshar’s records, the player must then retrieve the Shadow’s Mark to have a chance of nullifying the tower’s evil. There’s one small caveat to this goal, however — obtaining the Shadow’s Mark requires that the player reach the 24th and final floor of Shadespire Tower, defeating every boss along the way. Willing participants should remember to bring plenty of potions.