In 2020, Tactical Adventures launched their cRPG Solasta: Crown of the Magister in Early Access on Steam. The game aims to be a pen-and-paper RPG on PC. Indeed, it has all the hallmarks of a table top RPG. Players create a party of characters and set off on adventures in the world of Solasta. Like a traditional pen-and-paper game, Crown of the Magister can be expanded upon with a variety of new campaigns and content. Today, Tactical Adventures released the latest expansion, called Lost Valley. In this article, we’ll take a look at what this new DLC called Lost Valley brings to Solasta: Crown of the Magister.

The Lost Valley DLC adds a new campaign and co-op support

The central feature of this DLC is the new 20-hour campaign. According to an official press release from Tactical Adventures, the Lost Valley DLC adds new locations, new subclasses, new enemies, and more. There are also multiple endings, which should increase the replayability for some players.

Another key feature of this expansion is the addition of support for co-op gameplay. Although Lost Valley is a paid DLC, co-op support is free for all players. Tactical Adventures say they added this feature because of feedback from players.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister and the Lost Valley DLC is available now on Steam.