After an eventful stint on Love Island riddled with boastful comparisons and internet backlash, Haris Namani appears to have reached the end of the road in his journey, reportedly getting himself evicted. The salesman encountered a major roadblock on the show after a video of him punching a party-goer in the streets while seemingly drunk went viral.

Haris Namani Evicted From Love Island Hours After Brawl Video

The clip, recorded last May in Doncaster, showed the 21-year-old Haris Namani landing blows on his opponent, who remained helpless throughout the ordeal. As he attacked the opponent to the ground, the provoked lad shouted:

Someone in the background, supposedly a friend, kept urging him on. Since going viral on Snapchat and published by The Sun, many have slammed the Love Island star Haris Namani for facing off against a reveler, knowing he had the upper hand. Speaking to the publication, an insider implied it wasn’t uncommon to find Haris losing his cool, as seen in the footage saying:

The source also explained that Haris always had the advantage in those brawls as a trained boxer and could cause damage to his opponents. The source proceeded to call out ITV for not carrying out further checks on his personality and background before admitting him into the villa.

A Love Island rep previously addressed this in a statement released shortly after the brawl video emerged, saying the show closely monitored everyone’s language and behavior in the villa, with constant reminders to the Islanders about what is acceptable. The Islanders also underwent training and guidance to ensure they stayed in line.

Although word on the street is that the TV personality got dumped by Love Island owing to the video, a spokesperson for the show clarified that it was all a coincidence. According to the Love Island rep, the show evicted Haris Namani only after the usual public vote. Hence, sending him parking was part of a planned eviction, which coincidentally happened hours after the leaked video.

This explanation isn’t entirely baseless, as Haris hasn’t exactly been a favorite person on the show. Days prior, he had a brawl with fellow Islander Shaq Mohammed that nearly came to blows. He also faced social media backlash after comparing himself to legendary soccer player Christiano Ronaldo in a previous episode. Perhaps, his eviction is simply the fruit of his scandalous rows in weeks past.