The Gateways introduces a new mechanic to Maquette, using crystals to pass through energy walls. This area gets a little complicated, so we will lay it all out step by step below.

The central area still forms a smaller version of the overall level that will allow you to manipulate the size of certain items.

You will begin in a sandy area with a house in front of you. Walk around to the rear of the house to find a small alcove with a round, pink crystal inside. Bring the crystal to the front gate, then use it on the taller pink crystal there to cause the gate to open. Make sure you pick up the round crystal and bring it with you into the level.

Walk past the central area to a pink house on the far side. You can walk in the front as long as you are carrying the pink crystal. Go to the back of the house, then right into the garden, then upstairs, and pull the lever, releasing a blue crystal.

Drop the pink crystal and pick up the blue one and place it in the garden, then pick up the pink crystal again and leave through the front of the house.

Head to the area in the center, and it is time to start manipulating the size of our crystals. Find the blue house on the model, then place the pink crystal between it and the real blue house. You will notice that on the blue house model, a small pink crystal is shown on the back wall, above a ramp.

Pink up the small pink crystal that will now be outside the blue house in the model, and let it roll down the ramp of the small blue house where it will be stopped by a blue energy wall.

Go to the garden of the small pink house in the central model and grab the blue crystal from the garden that we left there earlier.

Use this small blue crystal to enter the blue house, then use it to deactivate the blue wall that is stopping the pink crystal from rolling inside. Grab the pink crystal and head through the pink wall on the left. Inside, you will get a cutscene about the two story characters.

A green crystal will appear in the room after the cutscene is over. Hit the switch on the far wall to open the door, then go outside with the pink crystal. Drop the pink crystal on the ground outside, go to the model in the center and pick up the small pink crystal, then take it to the small gree house and drop it on the upstairs green energy floor.

Go grab the big green crystal, then go to the small green house in the model. Use the crystal to remove the green energy floor, allowing the pink crystal to drop down inside, then make your way to the big green house and head inside.

Pink up the pink crystal and walk into the black to get another cutscene. After the cutscene you will be in the house, and to your left will be a large golden key.

Pick up the key and walk it down the corridor, then push it through the window in front of you. Pick up the pink crystal and leave through the front, then switch to the green crystal and head to the model where you will find a small golden key near the wall closest to you.

Pick it up and drop it on the model just beside the lock at the building where you first began this area. Walk back to the first area and use the golden key to open the door. Inside is a green energy wall, so go and grab the green crystal.

Don’t go back just yet, we have some moves we need to make, as inside the green wall is another pink wall. Drop the green crystal in the street outside the big green house, then pick up the small version from the model. Go into the big green house to the place where you left the pink crystal.

Push the small green crystal through the holes in the grating and it will drop outside, then grab the pink crystal and head inside. Take the short stairs down to the left and use the lever to open the door and head back outside.

Drop the pink crystal in the yard, then pick up the green crystal and leave the area. Drop the green crystal in the yard of the small model, near the green door in the very first area.

Now, pick up the small pink crystal from the yard of the small green house in the central model, and take it to the small first area house with the sand. On the left side is a round window you can push it through and drop it inside.

Grab the small green crystal and head to the first sandy area, then go inside the green energy wall. Switch to the pink crystal and go through the pink energy wall and another cutscene will play. When it ends, use the level to open the door and a bridge will form, allowing you to grab a new item in front of you.

Keep the pink crystal in your hand and try and leave through the front and a wall will appear, with a new pink crystal behind it. This section gets a little odd, so follow the steps carefully.

Turn around and go back up the ramp to the weird cog and you will notice the fence on the right is broken, allowing you to jump to the rock.

Jump over to it, then jump onto the wall, drop down on the other side and turn left. You will see a giant version of the wall from earlier and the crystal, so touch the taller crystal with the one you are carrying.

They will dissolve, and you can turn around, jump back up the steps, and go into the alcove in front of you. Inside you will find a switch on the left. Pull it to drop a platform, then hit the next switch to raise it again.

Drop the crystal in the street, then turn around and grab the cog and place it in the wall of the model directly across from the sandy house.