Mario Tennis Aces bring the joy of Tennis on Nintendo Switch but in an advanced way. If you are seeing this game for the first time then you might take some time to get used to the game mechanics. The game features an Adventure Mode which is nothing but the Story Mode of the game. As Mario, you will be playing various levels to reach the end and face the final boss of the game. There are many new features and lot to explore in the Adventure mode. In this beginners guide, you will be learning a lot of tips and tactics that will help you to stay stronger in the game.

Mario Tennis Aces Beginners Tips & Tricks

Below you can find some helpful tips and tricks on Mario Tennis Aces. It is a pretty straightforward game but with advance features which can make it tough for novice players.

Tips To Play

Below you can find some helpful tips and tricks on Mario Tennis Aces. It is a pretty straightforward game but if you know the game mechanics well then in no time you can ace and win every match.

The Controls:

This the first thing you have to learn in the Adventure mode you will see a full tutorial where you can understand what key does what. You can read our Mario Tennis Aces control guide for more details on it.


There are different characters in the game, it is necessary to learn strength and weakness of each character so that you can strategize your shots well against the opponent.

How To Serve?

Serving technique will help you to point the ball in the direction you want, you have to be expert in it. There are certain tricks that will help you to get an easy win if you know exactly where you want to hit for the first time. There is a different type of shots you can try out while serving, like you, can hit A button at the time of serving to perform a Topspin serve. Similarly hit Y for Flat Shot. Try experimenting on this and find which one is the most effective against an opponent. Your position in the court also matters here, along with the hand you are using. For example, if you want to serve from right hand then go to the left side of the court and try a Topspin Shot. This will aim the ball in the far right corner where opponent many find it difficult to do a return shot.

What Is Energy Gauge, Zone Speed And Star Spots

You can see the Energy Gauge a circular meter on the bottom of the screen. To refill this thing you will need to hit Charge Shots. Once this is full enough you can perform Zone Shots. And if it is completely filled then you can perform Special Shots. Having enough energy in it is very important in the game, so try use Charge/Trick Shots to refill it whenever possible.

You can hold R to enter Zone Speed that will help you to reach the ball. This will be activated once the opponent hits the ball and you will need Energy Gauge for this. Till the time you use Zone Speed, your Energy Gauge will start depleting, so it is necessary that you use it only when it is required. Zone Speed is usually used to perform Zone and Special Shots.

Star Spots appear on the court when the opponent returns a Charge Shot with less power. Like if you perform a Charge Shot with maximum charge, and the opponent returns it with half charge then you will see a Star on the ground. On the contrary, if the opponent has return the Charge Shot with maximum charge it will not appear. You can trick opponent to use Trick Shot or Zone Speed or some other shot by hitting Charge Shot across the court, once the opponent fails to return it with a full charge you will see the Star on the ground. By standing on Start Spot you can hit the ball with high speed if you have enough charge. These shots are not easy to return.

Understand Shot Types:

Learning about the shots is as important as working on the serve shot. This is the second thing that comes your way. There are a different type of shots like Charge Shot, Power Shot, Topspin, slice, Flat, Lob and Drop Shot. Depending on what you pick as a Counter Shot, will determine whether you will lose or win. For more details on the shots read below.

Shot Types:

  • Topspin: Press A for this one, the ball will bounce higher in this one. The ball covers max height in this shot and it work well if you want to hit the baseline.
  • Slice: Press B to perform a Slice shot, this shot is best to get a tight angle that works for cross court shots. In this, you will hit the ball with a very narrow curve.
  • Flat: This one is the regular shot, you just press Y to perform this, it is the fastest normal shot you can perform to tackle coming ball.
  • Lob: Press the Up button + X to perform a Lob, in this shot you will toss the ball high in the air that will drop near the baseline. The ball will go high and will have a wider curve.
  • Drop Shot: You have to press the Down key + X to perform a Drop shot. In this shot, the ball will drop soon as soon as it cross the net and the bounce low on the ground. The ball will drop faster.
  • Trick Shot: To perform a trick you will have to press Right Analog Stick. You can also trigger it by using Left Analog Stick and tapping X twice.
  • Zone Shot: You can perform this only when you have one-third of your Energy Gauge left. You will have to press R or ZR for this.
  • Special Shot: This can only performed once you have full Energy Gauge. It is a kind of super move in the game. Press L or ZL for this.

Powerful Shots:

Charge Shots: You have to hold down the specific shot button to perform a Charge Shot. One important thing you have to remember that this one is a slow shot, so you have to position your character to the right place where the ball is going to fall or else you will miss it. If you are having a full Energy Gauge then you have a chance to hit Maximum Charge Shot. This means more power and strength. Just hold the shot button down till you see a maximum charge on the screen and then release when the ball is near. This works well when you are standing on a Star Spot.

There is a also a normal Charge Shot that can be perform just by holding down the button for a while. It is good for a short range hit, but if you want more power then you have to check the Energy Gauge and perform a Maximum Charge Shot. To hit the ball at a longer distance you will have to tap the shot button and then hold it for a while. You can also cancel the Charge Shot by pres L or ZL if you are unsure about the ball direction. If you find that you are unable to reach the ball cancel it instead of wasting the shot.

Power Shots: For power shot, you will have to double A, B or Y . It depends on what type of shot you pick to hit the ball, for example, if you want to hit Slice, then you can convert your regular Slice shot to a Power Shot Slice. All you have to do is double tap B. Power Shots adds more speed and power to the regular one, and it is the best to use when you are unable to use Charge Shot. You can serve with a Power Shot, check the Energy Gauge if it is yellow then you can serve it. But there is a chance that the opponent might return it easily.

Special Shots: Other than Charge Shot through a full Energy Gauge you can also perform a Special Shot. It is a kind of super move in the game, you can activate it from anywhere. It is not limited like Charge Shot where you have to be near to the ball. Once activated you have to aim your shot. During the aim time you will see that the Energy Gauge meter will go down, so you have to do this quick. If you go slow you can empty the Energy Gauge. If your opponent is performing a Special Shot then it is hard to defend, you have to hit on time or else you your racket will break. To return Special Shot, use Zone Speed as soon as you see your opponent’s racket flashing. As the time slows move left or right and wait right next to the opponent, as soon as the ball is parallel towards your direction hit. In this way, you can save your racket from breaking.

Trick Shots: Trick Shots will help you to refill your Energy Gauge so that you can perform Charge or Special Shots. And these two shots are essential in the match, or else you will lose easily. You can read our Trick Shot Guide for more details on this one. Remember Trick Shot works best if you perform it on the right time, because it will refill your Energy Gauge. And if you miss the shot then some of the energy from the Energy Gauge will be drained. So accuracy is the key to success here. Some characters in the game are better in Trick Shots, like Rosalina who ace in this.

Zone Shots: These are similar to Special Shots, but you can only use them when you are standing on the star you will see on the ground called as Star Spot. Opponents if failed to return the Zone Shots three times it will break their racquet. To perform this you will have to first check the Energy Gauge, you can perform when at least there is one-third of energy left. Just stand on the Star Spot and hot R or ZR to perform a Zone Shot. The Energy Gauge will deplete while doing this, so it is better to do when you are having enough energy left in it.

How To Avoid Knockout?

Opponents can knock you back with their Special or Charge shots, the only way to tackle is precise timing. For example, if an opponent hits you with a Charge Shot, then you have to be at the right place to counter the shot. If you are somewhere out of the range the opponent can knock you back. There is a different type of Counter Shots for each Shot released by the opponent.

Mario Tennis Aces Strategy & Tips

Below are some strategy and tips you can follow while playing Mario Tennis Aces that will guide you in a different type of easy and tough matches.

Avoid Running In The Court:

Similar to Tennis in this game you will be moving a lot around to hit the ball. But the best strategy is to limit your movement and make the opponent to run around the court. This gives you enough time to hit the ball far away so that they can miss it. It is not really easy to keep moving fast around the court, this can lead to miscalculation and you might lose your valuable energy and special shots. Try to hit the ball far from the opponent. Don’t constantly hit to one single area, otherwise, the opponent can identify your move and return your shots easily. Try changing your position and focus on hitting as far as possible.

Don’t Ignore The Depleting Energy Gauge:

Focus on maintain your Energy Gauge whenever possible. Keep it filled up because you can use it on the right time. If you have a good amount of Energy Gauge then you get more options to score a point. You get access to Special Shots because of this, and you can also use it for Zone Speed. So try to maintain it, it gets refilled by Charge Shots. It will also help you to recover fast from failing match.

Use Shot Combinations:

There are certain shot combat ions you can use one after the another to confuse the opponent. Like, use the Lob shot that will make the opponent run around the court. Timing matters a lot here. So here is a simple strategy, first, use a couple of shots and then go for a Lob shot. Opponent will have to use a Zone Speed or Trick Shot to reach the ball which will deplete their Energy Gauge. Next, once you see the opponent securing his space go near the baseline if possible and perform a Drop Shot. If you are able to get the ball on the right time then the ball will fall beyond the net and bounce low. Ample of time the opponent will be expecting a normal bounce, and there are chances that they might miss it.

Counter Zone And Special Shots:

Ample of players focus on Zone and Special Shots. All you have to do is learn properly to return this shots. If you are able to do this then you are doing something really valuable in the game. Wait for the opponent if you see them sparkling them it means they are going to use a Zone or Special Shot. At that time you will need the Energy Gauge, activate the Zone Speed and reach near the ball. Try staying on the left or right side of the ball, not in straight line and once spot the ball near you swing your racket to counter it. This will prevent your racket from getting damage, so this is a great strategy to counter Zone or Special shots. Avoid using a Special Shot against Special/Zone shots. It will deplete your Energy Gauge and you will get weaker in the game. You can use this only when your racket is about to broke and you are near to KO.

Star Shot Power:

If you see a Start Spot on the ground and you don’t have any energy left still you can perform a Start Shot Power. This does not require energy, so you don’t have to think about missing a chance of Zone or Special Shot. Start Shot power does not require any energy, just stand in the Star Spot and hold Y to release a powerful Star Shot.

Following the above tips will defiantly help you to perform well in Mario Tennis Aces. If you have anything to share you can add your comments below.