Previews for Eternals: The Heretic #1 tease a Marvel family reunion in the works. It takes place between Thanos and his great-uncle, Uranos. The panels, courtesy of AIPT, hint that the Eternal might be scarier than the Mad Titan.  At least when it comes to wanting to destroy the universe.

Who Is This Uranos?

Uranos, commonly referred to as the Undying, is an Eternal. When readers first encounter the villain, he is aiming to destroy humanity. His debut in Captain Marvel #29 shows him as the catalyst for the Eternal Civil War. Of course, his plan fails, and he is defeated by his brother Kronos. Afterward, he is sent to exile by the Eternals, where he spends the next couple thousand years.

For those familiar with the lineage of the Eternals, you can see the connection to Thanos. With Kronos being Uranos’ brother and Thanos’ grandfather, that makes the Undying the great-uncle to the Mad Titan. Now, the two villains are about to meet face-to-face for the first time.

What Happens in This Marvel Family Reunion?

Warning: Spoilers for Eternals: Heretics #1.

The previews for the issue show Druig offering Thanos a chance to talk to his great-uncle. As Thanos prepares for the encounter, there is a sense of foreboding in the air. In fact, the Great Machine even refuses to continue talking about Uranos out of fear.

As Thanos steps into Uranos’ domain, his great-uncle is not impressed. He wastes no time mocking Thanos for his failure to annihilate the universe. Calling his attempt at “snapping” away humanity a pathetic one. The exiled Eternal believes that focusing on 50% of the population shows a real “lack of commitment.” While the previews end before Thanos can offer a retort to his great-uncle’s berating, he is sure to have something to say.

While the previews tease an intense family reunion, it leaves more questions than answers. What is Thanos planning? And, why does he need his exiled uncle? Eternals: The Heretic #1 hits shelves on March 16.