Spider-Man has finally swung into Marvel’s Avengers on PlayStation consoles, and he boasts a pretty versatile moveset consisting of fast strikes, webbed attacks, and acrobatic stunts. As you level up Spider-Man, you’ll be able to use skill points to add further depth to the web-slinger’s arsenal of moves. Here’s every skill Spider-Man can learn in Marvel’s Avengers; any skills available from level one are in bold.
Light Attacks
Spider-Man’s light attacks are primarily melee strikes that incorporate the superhero’s agile nature. This upgrade path features flashy flip-kicks, leg sweeps, and strong aerial attacks.
- Spider Skirmish (Light Attack)Take To The Sky (Signature Attack)From Up High (Aerial Signature Attack)Arachnid Agility (Light Sprint Attack)Think Fast (Light Dodge Attack)Turn Your Back (Light Attack)Predator Instincts (Light Attack)
Heavy Attack
Spider-Man’s heavy attacks see the superhero use his webbing to deal out massive damage by either propelling himself at high speeds towards enemies or by tossing them around while they’re webbed up.
- Far Reach (Heavy Attack)Web-Pull (Power Attack)Web-Slam (Aerial Power Attack)Backfire (Aerial Power Attack Upgrade)Web-Whirlwind (Power Attack Upgrade)Rapid Spin (Power Attack Upgrade)Spidersault (Heavy Sprint Attack)Double Fire (Heavy Dodge Attack)Spider’s Grasp (Heavy Attack)Web-Repeater (Heavy Attack Upgrade)
It’s only natural that Spider-Man has a few ranged options, given his webs. You can use Spider-Man’s web-shooters to break through enemy defenses, and spending your points on this upgrade tree will not only increase the number of webs you can fire off but also boost their effectiveness.
- Web-Shooters (Ranged Attack)Upgraded Web-Cartridges (Ranged Attack Upgrade)Improved Web-Fluid (Ranged Attack Upgrade)Web-Blast (Ranged Power Attack)Web-Spread (Ranged Attack)Web-Tether (Ranged Attack)
Intrinsic Ability
Spider-Man’s Intrinsic Ability is Spider-Sense, which warns you about incoming attacks. You get a damage resistance buff when you successfully dodge an attack using Spider-Sense. This upgrade path features increases to Spider-Man’s perfect evade window, along with new types of takedowns for Spidey to perform.
- Spider-Sense (Intrinsic Ability)Saw That Coming (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)Predictive Moves (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)Wreckage (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)View From Above (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)Spider-Stamina (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)Harder They Fall (Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)Quick Reflexes (Light Attack)Web-Counter (Heavy Attack)
Support Heroic Ability
Spider-Man deploys an automated Spider-Drone that shoots webs at enemies. Upgrade the drone to increase its targeting capabilities, battery life, and firepower.
- Spider-DroneMulti-Targeting (Support Heroic Upgrade)Battery Life (Support Heroic Upgrade)Specialization IHigh EmissionsMedical AttentionDefensive StanceSpecialization IIEfficient OutputClass ClownSpecial Delivery
Assault Heroic Ability
Spider-Man unleashes a Web-Bomb that blasts enemies back; it’s a good way to deal with crowds. Upgrades here further improve the ability’s crowd control capabilities.
High EmissionsMedical AttentionDefensive Stance
Efficient OutputClass ClownSpecial Delivery
Web-BombFully Charged (Assault Heroic Upgrade)Take Two (Assault Heroic Upgrade)Specialization IAll Webbed UpWeb-RetractionStuck On YouSpecialization IICobwebsSuperchargeExtra, Extra!
Ultimate Heroic Ability
This ability creates a wrecking ball of webs that also provides a damage resistance buff, alongside a buff to your damage output. Upgrades here will add further damage buffs to Spider-Man’s attacks or debuffs to enemies.
All Webbed UpWeb-RetractionStuck On You
CobwebsSuperchargeExtra, Extra!
Wrecking Ball Rapid Recharge (Ultimate Heroic Upgrade)Silk Strength (Ultimate Heroic Upgrade)Specialization ISpider-SignalWeb BrawlerSpider’s NestSpecialization IISpeedy RecoverySpun UpExtra Wind
Movement Ability
As mentioned before, Spider-Man is quite agile, and that’s reflected in his movement abilities. Many of these actions see Spider-Man crawling, flipping, and swinging all over the place.
Spider-SignalWeb BrawlerSpider’s Nest
Speedy RecoverySpun UpExtra Wind
Evade (Evasion Ability)Springing Step (Evasions Ability)Wall Crawl (Movement Ability)Wall Run (Movement Ability)Web-Swing (Movement Ability)Web-Zip (Movement Ability)Web-Launch (Movement Ability Upgrade)
Melee Mastery
- Melee Upgrade IHit The SkyCritical ChanceLights OutMelee Upgrade IISpider StingBrute ForceBlown AwayTakedown UpgradeThe Big AppleCity of DreamsNew York’s Finest
Ranged Mastery
- Ranged Upgrade IIncreased Web CapacityCaught In a WebSharpshooterRanged Upgrade IIBlast RangeNot Going AnywhereWeb-TrapRanged Upgrade IIIGreater ImpactPenny PincherMaking Distance
Webbed Status Mastery
- Webbed Status Upgrade IWeb-AttackWeb-StunWall WebWebbed Status Upgrade IIWeb-ShotCritical WebWeb LongevityWebbed Status Upgrade IIIWeb RecoveryWeb-SenseWeb-Head
Intrinsic Ability Mastery
Intrinsic Upgrade IPerfect CounterCounter StunWeb-CounterIntrinsic Upgrade IIIntrinsic RecoveryWeb-ChargeIntrinsic ReserveIntrinsic Upgrade IIISpider MightSpidey DefenseOvercharge Boost
Web-Zip (Movement Ability)Web-Launch (Movement Ability Upgrade)
Hit The SkyCritical ChanceLights Out
Spider StingBrute ForceBlown Away
The Big AppleCity of DreamsNew York’s Finest
Increased Web CapacityCaught In a WebSharpshooter
Blast RangeNot Going AnywhereWeb-Trap
Greater ImpactPenny PincherMaking Distance
Web-AttackWeb-StunWall Web
Web-ShotCritical WebWeb Longevity
Web RecoveryWeb-SenseWeb-Head
Perfect CounterCounter StunWeb-Counter
Intrinsic RecoveryWeb-ChargeIntrinsic Reserve
Spider MightSpidey DefenseOvercharge Boost