Throughout the new game Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, the player will have to make dialog choices that can shape how the game unfolds. One of the biggest and most important moments of this mechanic comes when the Star-Lord and the team come face-to-face with the Worldmind and will need to traverse a series of prompts to convince them to help you. This is important to get right as this can change your ending. This guide will show you how to convince the Worldmind to help in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

How to Convince the Worldmind to Help

Chapter 9 of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy titled “Desperate Times” sees the Guardians meeting with the Worldmind in an attempt to convince the collective consciousness to aid them in the fight against the Universal Church of Truth. The Worldmind does not want to help, however, as they believe the galaxy is already doomed. To get them on your side, you will need to appeal to facts and reason, since the system does not have any emotions and runs purely on data. The first dialog choice you will face is between “Reject Conclusion” and “Share Intel.” Simply dismissing the claim will not aid your argument, so provide the Worldmind data to support your case.

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Using the fact that they have survived The Promise of the Church gets the supercomputer curious. The next prompt is between “Question Strategy” and “Appeal to Duty” as the Worldmind prepares to flee and abandon the refugees as the forces of the Church are on their way. You need to Question the Strategy of the supercomputer since running away from a force that is engulfing the galaxy simply means they are biding time instead of actually fighting back. The last choice is between “Call Out Cowardice” and “Put in Perspective.” Again, don’t appeal to emotions here and stick to logical comparisons. The Nova supercomputer finds the logic of “Faith Energy” too illogical to combat, but putting the energy in perspective and comparing it to Nova Energy leads Worldmind to the conclusion that Faith Energy is no more illogical than its own source of power. This gets them to join you in the fight.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is available starting October 26 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.