Marvel’s Momokoverse, the name given to the collaboration between Marvel and Peach Momoko, is expanding this Summer. Bleedingcool reports that as the final chapter in Momoko’s Marvel one-shots drops, Marvel announced plans to continue the series. However, what the future of this collaboration will look like is still unknown.

Who is Momoko?

Peach Momoko is a Japanese illustrator who has gained quite the following for her comic book cover variants. The artist first made a splash back in 2014 at several US comic book conventions. Her work soon caught the attention of comic fans and creators alike. Specifically, it caught the eye of Grant Morrison, who published Momoko’s work in Heavy Metal Magazine.

From there, Peach Momoko made a name for herself in the world of comic books. Her variant cover art is some of the most sought-after in the business. In fact, she became one of the hottest names in comics, with her work constantly in demand. Eventually, she was contracted with Marvel Comics as an exclusive comic book creator. This led to the creation of the Momokoverse.

What exactly is Marvel’s Momokoverse?

As noted above, Marvel’s Momokoverse is the moniker given to the collaboration between Marvel and Peach Momoko. Specifically, it refers to the current series of one-shots that Momoko and Marvel are releasing. This week’s Demon Days: Blood Feud is the final chapter in the current series that sees Marvel characters reimagined as Japanese folklore.

Momoko herself coined the Momokoverse title to refer to the unique style she adds to the Marvel Universe. While Blood Feud is the final issue for these Marvel reimagining, it appears Marvel is not done with Momoko. Shortly after the release of this final one-shot, the comic publisher announced more Momokoverse is in the future. Specifically, it will be making its return sometime this Summer.

What the next chapter of Marvel’s Momokoverse will look like is anybody’s guess. Though, it is sure to be beautiful with Peach Momoko at the helm.