Title: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Developer: Insomniac Games

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Genre: Action

Available On: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4

Official Site: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Release Date: November 12th, 2020

Version Tested: PlayStation 5

Where to Buy it: PlayStation Store, local retailers

Where Square Enix’s Avengers fell short earlier this year, Insomniac Games had no problem filling the super hero-shaped hole in our hearts. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is full of charm, character, crisp graphics and baddie-bashing gameplay. Not to mention that it takes full advantage of the PlayStation 5.

With great power comes great responsibility, and now it’s Miles’ turn:

While Peter Is Away, Miles Morales Will Play

With all of Peter Parker’s whit and charm, it’s a hard act to follow. But Miles Morales confidently steps up to the plate and turns it on its head. One of the best things about Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is its attitude. While still feeling very apart of the original Spider-Man’s world, this definitely has its own unique feel and vibe that seems to really resonate with Miles himself. As far as the characters go, they really nailed it with the main cast. Some of the villains felt shoe-horned in, but everyone else makes up for it.

On top of that, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a total joy to look at. The graphics are crisp and clean, and they are supported by excellent designs and vibrant colors. In my time with the game, I didn’t experience one loading screen, and it was a wild experience. Not only was it wild to see how well it ran without loading, but not having to wait for load screens really adds to the quick urgency of a super hero game.

Maybe Not Smooth As Silk

Unfortunately, there are two areas where Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales fell short. The gameplay mechanics don’t feel nearly as smooth as the first Spider-Man game. In combat, the controls don’t feel nearly as quick and receptive. This becomes really evident when surrounded by a hoard of enemies and dodging or finishers aren’t as nearly responsive as they should be. Even web-slinging feels off as I often ended up anywhere other than where I was pointing or hoping to go. While it isn’t a game-breaking issue, it does get frustrating at times.

On top of that, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales feels super short for its price point. The developers were explicit that this wasn’t a sequel, but it was more than DLC. However, the length definitely makes it feel more like DLC.  This wouldn’t be a huge problem, but a handful of gameplay elements and upgrades are locked and only available in a New Game+ playthrough. It’s like the player is forced to playthrough again to get the full experience, which just comes off feeling like a way of padding the run time.

While short, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is full of character, and it really shows off some of the best elements of PlayStation’s new console. If you loved Marvel’s Spider-Man, get ready to kick it up a notch in this new web-slinging adventure.

Verdict: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a great addition to the world of its predecessor. It still feels like an effortless part of its world while having a vibe and attitude that is totally unique. All of the main characters make a really strong showing that add their own charm, and it is an absolute blast getting to know Miles and his crew. Crisp, clean graphics make this an excellent title to see just what the PlayStation 5 can do. However, the gameplay mechanics don’t seem as smooth and as polished as Marvel’s Spider-Man, which was a major let down, and it feels super short for the price point. That being said, this is one super hero experience you won’t want to miss!

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review

  • Great characters

  • Crisp graphics

  • Has a unique energy

  • Attention to detail

  • Feels short for the price point

  • Mechanics could use some polish

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