Marvel has always had a special affinity for the death of its characters in big events. Captain American in the Civil War arc, Wolverine in the aptly named Death of Wolverine arc, or even Wolverine in the movies, and even Spiderman has been killed off numerous times. It seems like Marvel knows how to win the fans attention when Spider-man writer Tom Taylor announced on Twitter that they are planning the death of Spider-Man in September 2019.

The arc itself is going to start in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man #12 and based on some kind of vague descriptions from Marvel Artist, Ken Lashley, Spider-man will not only be found dead in his own home but will be investigating his own death! It seems that the actual Death of Spider-Man’s won’t actually stick since he’s actually tied up in a couple of other story arcs at the moment, but it isn’t the first time in recent memory that the wed-slinger has died and been brought back to life. In the Spider-Man/Deadpool arc, Deadpool takes out a contract on Peter Parker before realizing that he and Spider-Man are the same person. And let’s not get into the creative mess that was the Clone Saga in the 90s.

So speculation suggests that it’s either a body double and Spider-Man will be dead while Peter Parker will have to investigate who would fake his alter-ego’s death and why. Or it’s completely possible that we will have to deal with ghost Spider-Man for the next couple of issues. What I found interesting is that some teasers Taylor has shown not only the return of Mary-Jane herself, but she will also be donning the Spider-Man costume and be getting her own spin-off series The Amazing Mary-Jane.