How to increase Medi-Gel Capacity in Mass Effect 1

In Mass Effect 1 which is included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, you heal yourself with the unique Medi-Gel resource. These literally miracle kits restore Shepard’s health back whenever you use them, and you can have with you up to five per mission. Or that would be the case, if you haven’t increased your carry capacity at all, as you progress through the game. To see how you can do exactly that, take a look below.

How to increase the maximum Medi-Gel you can carry with you in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

The Medi-Gel item is only usable in Mass Effect 1, since in the later entries Mass Effect 2 and 3 respectively, there are different ways of healing yourself and the specific resource is completely removed. That said, in this bundle Medi-Gel is still the main way to heal yourself and the crew, so just five of them per run won’t cut it until the end of the game.

In order to increase the amount of Medi-Gel you have with you in a mission, you need to receive several upgrades, that increase the limit by one each time, to a total of ten Medi-Gel. Every upgrade can be obtained in several places, so pick the one that’s easiest for you:

  • Upgrade 1 – Normandy Requisitions Officer or Morlan (200 credits)
  • Upgrade 2 – Expat or Petozi or Morlan (3125 Credits)
  • Upgrade 3 – Opold or Commander Rendtola (12500 Credits)
  • Upgrade 4 – C-Sec Requisitions Officer or Commander Rentola (56000 Credits)
  • Upgrade 5 – Delan or Dr. Chloe Michel (110000 Credits)

Prior to the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the cooldown between each Medi-Gel use was really long. Like really, really long. Thankfully, Bioware realized what a hindrance this was and tweaked the cooldown quite a bit. Medi-Gel are now more useful than ever with an acceptable amount of downtime. Due to this, maximizing the number of Medi-Gel kits you have with you, can end up deciding the result of a mission. Make sure to upgrade them as much as possible.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. For more related content about the game, feel free to take a look at our list right here.


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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How to Increase Medi-Gel Capacity

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