News on Arrow and Stephen Amells future is all here in the Q&A we did with Mr. Amell at MegaCon Orlando. This past weekend was full of Arrow fans, in cosplay and of course lines of them. Lines of people waiting for photos and small quick visits with the Vigilante. We happened to be one of those fans. I waited to meet with Stephen Amell for two hours, and it was worth it. I received a signed photo and got a couple of questions answered before the Q&A.

As most of Amell’s fans know he loves his social media and youtube. Happily, he announced on Social Media to his fans, in March, that the end of Arrow is near. Amell strives for a great and communicative relationship with his fans. Season eight will be the final season, and this is a good thing. At least to the cast and team of Arrow. Over the last two months, Amell has answered some pretty similar questions about the final season. The biggest is, does he see himself seeking a hero role with Marvel? Now the well in shape actor wouldn’t mind more hero roles but his answer is always the same. He doesn’t want the typecast reputation.

I am more interested in his wrestling career and if there is a future there. Which he was more than happy to answer for me! His wife stood by a majority of the time he was at the Con, so he was cautious, humorously so. He replied that he is unable to compete as a wrestler until Arrow is over. This way, he can avoid any severe injuries. Although, All Elite Wrestling starts in October and that is a show he is intricately involved in…from a distance.

Much like he is with involvement in film making. Such as, his movie Code 8 that just released April 26th, 2019. Premiering the same night as Marvels Endgame, no hard feelings, Amell and his cousin are proud of their work. Code 8 is about a desperate young man possessing special powers who clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.

Back to Arrow, there has been no official pitch to ending the show, and Stephen has stated that he will not be directing any of the episodes in the final season. He would like to spend more time with his family and maximize his time away from the show. He believes in Arrows team of directors and has all the confidence that the end of the show will be successful.

Finally, the best Arrow question of the day, Does he get to keep the suit? Officially, no, but we all know how attached actors can be to their super suits. #Deapool,#RyanReynolds. Stephen says,

Fans will be happy to know there will be ten episodes in the final season and it will be airing in the 2019/2020 season for the CW. I am looking forward to a killer final season. Keep up with all updates here.