Aside from the recent jump of the gun in regards to the possibility of Metal Gear Solid 5, Kojima Productions has had very little to say about the existence of the game. Sure, Kojima told the press that he feels that he’ll eventually have to make it, but little has been said since. Today, Nomura Securities put a time line in place for a possible release of the highly anticipated sequel.

According to the Japanese brokerage, analysts at the firm believes that somewhere between 2013 and 2014. The Metal Gear franchise has been Kojima Productions’ bread and butter over the last few years. From the release of Metal Gear Solid 4 to Peacewalker and numerous reboots on multiple platforms, the development house has definitely had their hands full.

Last year, Kojima showed the new Fox Engine, and its possible that with a new engine in place and nearly all the remakes that the developer could possibly put out, a Metal Gear Solid true sequel could be in the cards. This could put Metal Gear Solid 5 on the very tail end of the PlayStation 3’s lifecycle if the game indeed releases in 2014, or the game could be one of the very first titles to launch with next generation Sony hardware.

  • This article was updated on December 4th, 2017

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