It looks like the Metal Gear Solid movie is about to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as the script has been finally turned in and the only thing left – in case this gets accepted – is the shooting of the movie itself.

The news comes from the director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, a close friend to Hideo Kojima (the creator of the franchise) and one of his best fans, who recently talked about the matter in an interview with IGN.

“We just turned in the script, and I think it’s one of the best scripts I’ve ever read,” he said. “It’s one of the coolest, weirdest, most Kojima things. If I wasn’t involved in it, I would still look at that script and [say], ‘Holy shit.’”

The movie is being produced by Sony, so we can expect a high profile casting for it, and the script has been written down by Jurassic World and Star Wars Episode IX writer Derek Connolly.

Connolly had already worked with Vogt-Roberts in the past, as they co-wrote Kong: Skull Island, whom Vogt-Roberts directed (it released in 2017), so hopefully, this established chemistry can bring something good to the franchise.