Is the snake heading to the new-gen consoles in his iconic cardboard box again? Going by what David Hayter, the former voice actor for Solid Snake said, looks like we may have a Metal Gear Solid Remake on our hands. Let’s look at what we know so far.

Keep in mind this is not an official confirmation of anything, we are just going by what the voice actor has claimed, he himself isn’t sure of it. Let’s just hope this thread of proof is the actual thing and a new game is on the horizon.

Learn more about the game here.

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Up until Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain, David Hayter was the one who voiced the iconic character. After that for Phantom Pain, he was replaced by Kiefer Sutherland. Hayter still holds an amazing fan base for his performance and he has also expressed his commitment and liking towards the role. When asked Hayter stated that he would be more than willing to jump on board for a remake.

Dan Allen Gaming, a YouTuber, invited David Hayter for an interview on his channel and that is where we get our news from. You can check out the entire interview here. A remake of the Metal Gear Solid game is something that has been rumored for some time now, especially because Konami has been silent for way too long.

The company has taken a small hiatus from making high-end games and doing other things, but no, they aren’t out of the running. Konami stated that they aren’t leaving the gaming industry behind, it’s just a break. And that’s where our hope comes in. A Metal Gear Solid remake will be the perfect one to bounce back with.

Hayter claims that some of the sources did confirm a rumor about a new game, they said it was the real deal. He also went onto say that a few days later the whole thing became an industry rumor which gives it a 50% more chance of being real.

But like every other scenario, unfortunately, this too is just a rumor and not an official confirmation. We’ll just have to wait and hope that there is truth to everything we have heard so far.

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