Devolver Digital has released a new trailer for the soon to be released Metal Wolf Chaos XD, in which they discuss in detail the earlier, less discussed history of developer FromSoftware from the time before Dark Souls, and sheds some light on the mysterious game that they are re-releasing.

The trailer discusses in brief how the mysterious and renowned game that was the original Metal Wolf Chaos came to be. FromSoftware – in the days when they were better known for the Armored Core series – wanted to create a mech combat game that better appealed to broader audiences, and simultaneously challenge the idea that such games only appeal to the Japanese market. Apparently, they felt that a simpler control-scheme and a light sense of tone combined with bombastic spectacle would do the trick because that’s the direction that they ended up taking with Metal Wolf Chaos.

Sadly, despite their desires to reach out and grab a new audience, the game was only ever released in Japan. Soon afterward became something only talked about in rumors, scattered screenshots, and shared around only by those who were fortunate and rich enough to own a rare and expensive copy to show to their friends. Metal Wolf Chaos was doomed to obscurity, until FromSoftware’s rise to prominence years later through the success of Dark Souls on top of their other franchises, and subsequent sharing of the original game’s rights with Indie Game giant Devolver Digital. After 15 long years, Metal Wolf Chaos XD has remastered the underrated satirical comedy mech-shooter gem of yesteryear and will be arriving on consoles and PC next week.

For those unfamiliar with the game’s premise, it is a comedic mech-shooter featuring an exaggerated storyline about 47th President of the United States Michael Wilson, who must stop a coup against his office from his corrupted Vice President Richard Hawk. The player pilots the eponymous Metal wolf mech-suit as Michael Wilson uses his vast arsenal of weapons and cheesy one-liners to win back his country from evil. The whole game is a tongue-in-cheek explosion-filled romp, and there is simply nothing else quite like it.

Metal Wolf Chaos XD launches on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on August 6th.