Deep Silver joins the list of video game publishers who had ditched Valve’s digital marketplace Steam for Epic Games’ newly launched marketplace Epic Games Store. Metro Exodus (PC) is the latest game that will be available exclusively on Epic Games Store, according to the details shared in the latest press release from Deep Silver.

Deep Silver also disclosed the reason behind making the switch from Valve’s Steam to Epic Game Store for Metro Exodus; it’s MONEY.

Tim Sweeney founder and CEO of Epic said: “We are partnering with Deep Silver to launch Metro Exodus, underpinned by Epic’s marketing support and commitment to offering an 88% revenue split.” He then termed Metro Exodus as the “amazing and (is) deservedly one of the most anticipated PC titles of 2019.”

Klemens Kundratitz, CEO of Deep Silver termed the 88% revenue split as a “generous revenue terms” which will allow publishers to invest more in the content and pass on the benefits to the gamers.

As expected, the move did not go down too well with the Valve, and they termed this Deep Silver and Epic Games partnership (for Metro Exodus) as “Unfair to Steam customers.” You can read the full statement of Valve below.

“We are delighted to partner with Epic to bring the digital PC version of Metro Exodus to market. Epic’s generous revenue terms are a game changer that will allow publishers to invest more into content creation, or pass on savings to the players. By teaming up with Epic we will be able to invest more into the future of Metro and our ongoing partnership with series developer 4A Games, to the benefit of our Metro fans.”

What is your take on this? Please share your opinion with us in the comment section below.

“Sales of Metro Exodus have been discontinued on Steam due to a publisher decision to make the game exclusive to another PC store.

The developer and publisher have assured us that all prior sales of the game on Steam will be fulfilled on Steam, and Steam owners will be able to access the game and any future updates or DLC through Steam.

We think the decision to remove the game is unfair to Steam customers, especially after a long pre-sale period. We apologize to Steam customers that were expecting it to be available for sale through the February 15th release date, but we were only recently informed of the decision and given limited time to let everyone know.”