In a video update released by Nintendo this morning, Senior Managing Executive Officer for Nintendo, Shinya Takahashi, revealed that the long-awaited Metroid Prime 4 has been scrapped in its current state due to quality concerns. In the video, Takahashi states:

This news is definitely sad considering the excitement behind the title, but this news comes along with a huge positive: Stepping in to redevelop Metroid Prime 4 from the ground up is Retro Studios, the team that developed the original Metroid Prime series. In other words, Metroid is coming home!

The video update from Shinya Takahashi can be seen in full here:

In addition to Metroid Prime 4 returning to its original development home, this marks a wonderful showing of transparency from Nintendo. Outrage on the Internet about this story has been kept to a minimum because of Nintendo’s honesty with the situation and other developers should take notes. While it is unclear when Metroid Prime 4 will finally be in our hands, it can be safely assumed that it will be quite some time.

Metroid Prime 4 was announced at E3 2017 and was met with cheers that almost blew the roof off of the convention center. It is currently one of the Nintendo Switch’s most anticipated releases. The title is still available for pre-order despite the delay.

For updates on Nintendo, Metroid Prime 4 and all the other nerdy news you need to know, keep tuned to The Nerd Stash!