Just weeks before the last Title Update on October 1st, Capcom has dropped more MHW: Iceborne event quests to let us properly prepare to face the Black Dragon Fatalis. These new event quests are all taking place in the Seliana Supply Cache, where we fought Velkhana for the second time. And yes, that means the Roaming Ballista and Dragonrazer are available for you to play around with. It’s a bit tricky to land the Dragonrazer though, maybe your friends can act as distractions while you don Ghillie Mantle and prepare the cannon.

All of the Seliana Supply Cache event quests will drop extra Sealed Feystones. Sealed Feystone has a higher chance to drop Level 4 Decorations. So farming these quests will be essential if you need to collect all of the rare Decorations. Here are the Seliana Supply Cache quests that are coming from September 10th to 30th.

MHW: Iceborne Event Quest: ‘In the Tempest’s Wake’

  • Conditions: MR 100 or higher
  • Locale: Seliana Supply Cache
  • Objective: Slay a Tempered Kushala Daora

Although attacking its whole body is a huge pain thanks to its wind armor, if you can consistently hit its head instead, you should be able to keep Kushala on the ground for most of the hunt. Sticky Bowguns and Long Gunlance should make short work of the Steel Dragon. This new event quest is available from September 10 to 17.

Event Quest: ‘Day of Ruin’

  • Conditions: MR 100 or higher
  • Locale: Seliana Supply Cache
  • Objective: Slay a Tempered Teostra

Similar to Kushala Daora, Teostra’s biggest weak point is his head. Just keep whacking his furry head, and this hunt shouldn’t be too difficult. Tempered Teostra event quest will rotate from September 17 to 24.

Event Quest: ‘The Cold Never Bothered Me’

  • Conditions: MR 100 or higher
  • Locale: Seliana Supply Cache
  • Objective: Slay a Tempered Lunastra

Ah yes, Lunastra. Before Alatreon, she was undoubtedly the hardest “filter” in the base game. Now, she’s back for revenge. Don’t forget to bring your Rocksteady Mantle or an armor set with five levels of Windproof to nullify her Supernova’s annoying wind pressure. Her turn will start from September 24 until 30.