With people expected to remain apprehensive about going shopping even after the lockdown is lifted, Xiaomi is looking to make it easier for its customers to buy its smartphones and other smart home products. The company has launched a new e-commerce service called Mi Commerce that will enable people to buy its smartphones, TVs and more from nearby offline stores without ever having to leave the comfort of their homes.

Announcing #MiCommerce.

Now you can #StayAtHome & order #Xiaomi products from your nearest offline retail store.

According to Muralikrishnan B, the Chief Operating Officer at Xiaomi India: “Mi Commerce is a specially designed platform to cater to the needs of our offline retail partners in the current COVID-19 scenario and it is Xiaomi’s first step towards a longer-term omni-channel strategy. This special initiative is built to ensure ease of purchase, keep partners and customers safe, and foster business continuity”.