After almost 14 years of absence, Microsoft returns to the sky with an entirely brand new flight simulator. After the success of Flight Simulator X’s release on Steam in 2014, Microsoft’s interest in the genre has revived Microsoft Flight Simulator into something entirely new. Asobo Studio brings a new perspective to the decadent series, especially with their breathtaking environments in and outside the cabin. 

With over 30 unique vehicles to fly your way away, Microsoft is promising a newly unique way to enjoy the serene skyscapes. Exclusive to this 2020 release of Flight Simulator is Microsoft’s own unique Azure AI that allows for even more detail in the Earth that envelops the serene landscapes. Using Bing’s massive library of 2,000 terabytes of terrain imaging. The pixel density and topographic accuracy are astoundingly clear in this esteemed release. Rendering the photo-realistic world and accurately populating it to allow for virtual storm chasing is a testament to Microsoft’s ambitions with this new title. The asynchronous real-time accuracy achieved is unrivaled when matched with the sheer scale of over two million cities to discover and 37 thousand airports to see. There’s never a dull moment to be had off the ground and between the clouds above. 

Despite all the work leading up to launch, Microsoft isn’t quite finished with the project yet; there’s still so much more to come for the eponymous flight simulator. With more map updates to cover a wider area of travel, VR support and even DLC bundles on the way, there’s lots of life yet to see from 31,000 feet. Anyone who plays the simulator will receive an exclusive Aviator’s Club skin set for each of the planes across the deluxe and premium deluxe options. The title is also free to play now for Xbox Game Pass owners on both PC and Xbox One.