Moding is something that has always been popular in Minecraft. Since its inception, the players have been looking for ways to make the game more to their liking. It’s a great way to refresh your game experience and make it more challenging for yourself. In this guide, we will be explaining what Enchantability is and how it works.

What is Enchantability in Minecraft?

Enchantability is a mod that enables you to enchant items and tools in Minecraft. It’s a single number that relates to an object. This attribute is reversely proportional to the object’s Durability. So if something has a high Durability, it will have a lower Enchantability number, and vice versa.

Table of Enchantability

We have compiled a table of Enchantability of items based on the material they’re made of.

This table shows Gold is almost 2.5 times less durable than Diamond. Hence the big Enchantability discrepancy. Diamond has such high toughness that it’s possible to get better enchantments with tools made out of Wood. The idea is to give you a tradeoff. Either you can go with items like Gold and get a better chance at Enchantments, or run with high-durability items that won’t produce so many Enchantments.

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