Sprinkled in throughout Minecraft is a series of tasks that can be accomplished, called Advancements. Much like Achievements, these are exclusive to Minecraft and are usually focused on a thing or task so as to introduce you to something you really should be aware of; some of them, like “Serious Dedication,” are just silly. Thankfully, though, we’ve got some tips to help you get through this one because it’s pretty tedious.


How to Complete the Serious Dedication Advancement

As the above image states, all you’re really looking to do to complete this Advancement is upgrade a hoe using netherite ingots. This is pretty easy, provided you already have the ingots, but if you’re found lacking, you may have quite the task in front of you, as I outlined in the guide for completing “Hidden in the Depths.” Gathering netherite for your hoe upgrade can be tedious but you can do so by mining for Ancient Debris, which allows you to smelt that down for netherite scraps, which, in turn, gets you the ingots you need. In order to get yourself the coveted netherite hoe, you’ll first need to already have a diamond hoe and a netherite ingot and take that to your smithing table to perform the upgrade.

Other Minecraft Guides

  • The Hidden in the Depths Advancement
  • How to Build a Beacon
  • How to Make a Working Elevator

One should know though that by performing the upgrade, you’re only upgrading the durability of the tool, hence the humorous remark in the Advancement description, because you’re not getting a whole lot out of the work you put into making the upgrade happen. It could be worse, though: an earlier version of the Advancement had you use the upgraded hoe until it broke and that required you used it hundreds and hundreds of times. It wouldn’t surprise me if they changed this Advancement to fit that requirement in the future but at the moment it only has you obtain a netherite hoe.