While attempting to launch Minecraft Java Edition on PC, players might encounter an error that is preventing them from playing called “GLFW Error 65542.” The pop-up warning will read, “GLFW error 65542: WGL: The driver does not appear to support OpenGL. Please make sure you have up-to-date drivers.” Naturally, the first step that players might take to resolve this problem would be to check their device’s drivers to ensure everything is up to date. However, some might still encounter the error even after checking or installing the latest driver update for their PC. Continue reading to learn how to resolve this pesky error for Minecraft. 

Fixing GLFW Error 65542 for Minecraft

To fix GLFW Error 65542 for Minecraft, players must visit the official website to replace DLL files on their system. Users must open Google and type “dll files” and choose the link that goes to the address “dll-files.com” Be wary of fraudulent sites that might try to mimic this official and steal user data.

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According to YouTuber GuideRealm, the next step to fix GLFW Error 65542 for Minecraft is typing “OpenGL” into the search box on the official DLL Files website. Select the link that appears in the search results and then download the file with the Architecture that matches the user’s system. For example, if players are using a 32-bit PC, they must download the 32 option at DLL Files. After downloading the file, the next step is copying the “opengl32.dll” file and placing it into the “bin” folder of Minecraft. 

This process is performed by right-clicking the “opengl32.dll” or “opengl64.dll” and then opening the Minecraft bin folder. To find this folder, players must open their local hard drive and navigate to Program Files. Next, scroll down and enter the Java folder. After choosing the most recent version of Java inside the Java folder, users must enter the bin folder. Finally, paste the copied OpenGL file into this folder and provide permission for the PC to make changes to these files. Now that the file has been replaced, Minecraft should work as intended and launch from the game’s launcher. As noted above, players must be careful not to download any files from sites pretending to be DLL Files. 

Minecraft Java Edition is available on PC.

Source: YouTube/GuideRealm