You can turn everyday items into powerful magical objects in Minecraft with enchantments. You can subsequently use the magical items to level up and complete challenges. Examples of enchanted items include bows that can shoot infinite arrows,  a sword that can set enemies ablaze, and unbreakable helmets. The normal way to enchant items is by using an enchanting table, but did you know there are other ways of enchanting objects? In this guide, we will teach you how to get enchantments without enchanting table on Minecraft.

Minecraft: How to Get Enchantments without Enchanting Table

There are several ways of enchanting objects without using an enchanting table. The first involves using an anvil via a method that combines an enchanted object with a book. An anvil can be used to combine two items as long as they are compatible — of the same type or material (e.g., two iron swords) or an item and a book with an applicable enchantment, for example, a bow and an infinity enchanted book. The process works by sacrificing one thing to enhance the other.

Minecraft: What Does the Impaling Enchantment Do?

For it to work, place the target item in the anvil’s first slot and the sacrifice item in the second slot. If the two items are compatible, the output —the resulting enchanted item — will appear in the anvils output slot. This process will cost you some experience points labeled “Enchantment Cost.” To finish the enchanting, remove the enchanted object from the output slot.

Players may also obtain enchanted items via the following other methods:

  • By trading with a villager ( Emeralds for enchanted items)
  • By fishing. You can “catch” an enchanted item.
  • If you kill a zombie, drowned, skeleton, wither skeleton, zombified piglin, husk, or stray if they have enchanted items.
  • You can find enchanted items in treasure chests in places like ancient cities, shipwrecks, mineshafts, dungeons, jungle temples, desert temples, woodland mansions, ocean ruins, bastion remnants, ruined portals, and end cities.
  • By battering with Piglins. When you give them gold, they may drop an enchanted book or something else.
  • By killing Pillagers and Indicators in raids.

Finally, server operators and players in single-player worlds can also enchant items using special commands. These commands include /enchant and the /give command, which has a maximum enchantment level of 255. Enchantment is also possible in Creative Mode where items are enchanted with the help of an anvil and enchanted books.

Minecraft is available on MacOs, PC, Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, iOS, and Android.