Honeycombs have a wide range of uses in Minecraft. You can use them to create honeycomb blocks, candles and beehives which are all useful to have. Honeycombs are also used on blocks of copper to prevent them from oxidizing, which can help you decorate your survival world. You can even use them on copper blocks to reach two advancements if you are looking to complete all of the in-game achievements. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to get honeycombs in Minecraft.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft

You can get a honeycomb from bee nests using a pair of shears. Bee nests are most commonly found in meadow biomes but can also be found in plains, sunflower plains and forests. Once you have found a bee nest, you will need to wait until the nest is full of honey. The holes on the front of the bee nest will turn yellow, indicating that it is ready to harvest. Using your shears, interact with the bee nest to collect the honeycombs. Honeycombs will drop out of the bee nest. If you would like to gather more, you will need to wait until the bees produce more honey.

When you harvest honeycombs from a bee nest, any bees inside and around it will become angry and begin attacking you. You can attack them if you wish, but bees are required to replenish the honey and honeycombs in the bee nest. If you do not want to anger the bees, place a lit campfire under the bee nest or light a fire. The smoke from the fire calms the bees down. However, there is also a chance that the bees will fly into the fire and get hurt.

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation platforms.