Minecraft‘s variety of biomes and blocks allows you to be highly creative with what you create. From building huge farms to making entire cities, there are endless possibilities to what you can create in Minecraft. One of the first things you will likely make, especially when starting, is a house. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to make a house in Minecraft.

How to Make a House in Minecraft

If you want to make a very basic house in Minecraft, you will not need many blocks. If you want to make a small house with a door, one bed, four walls and a roof, you will need as little as 20 blocks. However, if you want to make a comfortable house that fits a bed, crafting table, a few chests, and room for expansion, you will need over a stack of blocks. If you are just starting in your world and do not have many resources to use, a house made of dirt, cobblestone or wood will work. If you are very low on resources, you can also use sand or gravel as walls. Both of these blocks are affected by gravity, so they will not work as a roof unless you craft the sand into sandstone.

Making a Modern House in Minecraft

If you are looking for a more detailed, stylized house, there are numerous themes you can use. For example, if you have a lot of quartz or concrete, you can create a modern house. These houses tend to use neutral colored concrete, diorite, quartz, and terracotta blocks. If you want to add some color to your home, using colors such as cyan, green, light blue, and purple often pair well with these types of houses. You can also use colored stained glass or glass panes to add more color to your house.

Making a Rustic House in Minecraft

In contrast, if you want to create a more rustic, medieval-themed house, you will want to collect plenty of logs and wooden planks. Depending on your personal preference and style, all types of wood are a great way to start creating a rustic house. Other blocks that will help you include cobblestone and stone bricks, granite, bricks, andesite, smooth stone, brown concrete and terracotta. You can also use wooden trapdoors and fences to add extra detail to your house walls.

Finally, how you design the inside of your house will also depend on how big your house is. If you only wish to have a bed, a chest and a few other blocks, you will not need much space. However, if you plan on making a large house with a kitchen, bathroom, living areas and storage space, you will need to gather up several stacks of blocks for the walls and roof of your house. Building into a mountain or underground will help you get more resources quickly, but you will need the tools to do this. Alternatively, you can gather dirt, wood and other blocks during your Minecraft adventures and slowly build your house as you play.

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation platforms.