Unfortunately, Minecraft is one of those games that do not yet have voice chat for their players. Voice chat is a feature that allows players to talk to one another without having to go into text chat. Although players cannot verbally chat in the game, they can use a chat feature called whispering!

Whispering is a feature that allows players to communicate with each other without other players being able to see what they’re saying. Not only does it gives you a form of communication, but it is also discrete. Whispering can only happen through in-game commands. Before starting a world players have an option to turn on “cheats.” To use commands players will need to make sure this option is enabled.  If you are playing with a group of friends using crossplay, and there is no other form of communication available, no need to fear, whispering is here! The real question is, how to whisper in Minecraft?

No worries, we have that answer too! Keep reading for more information on how to use the whisper feature in Minecraft!

How to Use the Whisper Feature in Minecraft

If players would like to know how to use the Whisper feature in Minecraft, they’ve come to the right place! To whisper in Minecraft, players will need to start by opening their chatbox.

Once the chat is opened, players will need to begin the command by typing in “/tell.” Once they have this typed they will just need to follow through with the rest of the command. The next step in following through with the command is tagging the player they would like to communicate with.

The player will need to follow the /tell command with the @ of whichever player they wish to whisper to. If the player wishes to message all the players in the game they should put “/tell @a (insert message).” If they would like to send the message to players closest to them they can put “/tell @p (insert message).”

If the player wishes to speak to all entities they should put “/tell @e (insert message).” For any reason, if the player wishes to send messages to random people, they can type in “/tell @r (insert message).”

Players can also whisper to themselves! Tying in “/tell @s (insert message)” will allow the player to message themselves.

Once this is done, players will now know how to use the whisper feature in Minecraft! For a video example of how to whisper in Minecraft, watch this short video!