As with many games, Potions add a degree of flair and fun to Minecraft, but also add a complicated hierarchy of recipes to memorize. The plus side (or to some, the downside) is that all potions must be crafted using specific recipes and there is no mixing and matching necessary to see what other potions you can create.

Minecraft Brewing and Potions Guide - All Minecraft Potion Recipes

Since all Minecraft Potions follow specific recipes and steps, brewing them is a fairly straightforward process. Except for the Potion of Weakness (which is explained at the end of this guide), there are four basic items that are necessary for all of them: a Brewing Stand, Water Bottle, and Nether Wart, and Blaze Powder. We’re first going to explain how to use these items to start your potion. Further down in the guide, you’ll find the recipes for all potions.

How to Brew in Minecraft

In this part of the guide, we’re going to explain the two basic steps to brewing an Awkward Potion, which is the base mixture needed for most potions. Once you’ve completed this part of the guide, you’ll understand the basics to brewing. If you already know how to brew and instead just need the recipes, skip to the Recipes section below.

How to build The Brewing Stand

In the image above on the left, you’ll see our Brewing Stand. This is where you will perform all your alchemy in the game. On the right, you’ll see the crafting recipe for the Brewing Stand, which comprises just three Cobblestone and one Blaze Rod.

This is your first step to brewing. Craft the Brewing Stand and place it anywhere you’d like. We placed it in the grass outside — for fresh air, of course. Brewing potions can make the air musty.

How to make The Awkward Potion

Now it’s time to take the rest of the ingredients we mentioned above to make an Awkward Potion. The image above shows you the placement for all the materials inside the Brewing Stand. Open the Brewing Stand by pressing the secondary action button/key.

Place the Blaze Powder in the slot on the top left. It will automatically disappear, and you’ll notice the fuel bar in the Brewing Stand is now filled. This is fuel for brewing. Once this bar is empty, you’ll need another Blaze Powder to make more potions.

Place the Water Bottle(s) in the slots on the bottom. For efficiency’s sake, it’s strongly recommended that you put in three bottles at a time. You can do just one or two, but the fuel burns at the same rate with every brew.

Finally, place the Nether Wart in the slot on the top. As soon as all objects are in place, the Brewing Stand will start animating its brewing process. You can use the bar to the left of the Nether Wart to determine how far along this brew is. Once it fills up all the way, you’ll see the Water Bottles have become Awkward Potions!

This is the basic process for brewing. Going forward, you will always use the same process and materials, except for the Nether Wart. The Nether Wart is only used once to make the Awkward Potion. To make the different potions in Minecraft, you’ll have to place different ingredients in the top slot.

Potion of Weakness: As mentioned above, the Potion of Weakness is the one exception to the rule about brewing potions. Instead of using a Nether Wart on the Water Bottle, you’ll first use a Fermented Spider Eye. This will make all the Water Bottles become Potions of Weakness. This recipe is explained in the Recipe list below.

All Minecraft Potion Recipes

As stated above, you will almost always need an Awkward Potion as your base for any of these potions, with the one exception being the Potion of Weakness. You will always use the process above to brew your potions with each of the ingredients listed below.

All potions are listed below in alphabetical order, based on whether they are basic potions (require one special ingredient) or advanced potions (require more than one special ingredient). You must start each of the recipes below with an Awkward Potion. Once you have the Awkward Potion(s), you must place the ingredients mentioned below in the top slot of the Brewing Stand.

Basic Potions (require one special ingredient)

  • Potion of Regeneration: Restores nine Hearts over 45 seconds. Ingredient: Ghast Tear Potion of Swiftness: Three minutes of increased speed by 20% and increased field of vision. Ingredient: Sugar Potion of Fire Resistance: Three minutes of immunity to all heat/fire damage. Ingredient: Magma Cream Potion of Healing: Restores two Hearts instantly. Ingredient: Glistering Melon Potion of Night Vision: Three minutes of increased in-game brightness that other players can’t see. Ingredient: Golden Carrot Potion of Strength: Three minutes of increased melee damage by 1.5 Hearts. Ingredient: Blaze Powder Potion of Leaping: Three minutes of increased jump height and reduced fall damage. Ingredient: Rabbit’s Foot Potion of Water Breathing: Three minutes of being able to breathe underwater without the oxygen bar depleting. Ingredient: Pufferfish Potion of Slow Falling: One minute and 30 seconds of falling at a much slower rate and no fall damage. Ingredient: Phantom Membrane Potion of Poison: Causes up to 18 Hearts of damage over 45 seconds, but does not let the player go to zero health. Ingredient: Spider Eye (Mixed Effects) Potion of the Turtle Master: 20 seconds of 60% slower speed, and 60% damage reduction. (Requires Water Potion Base) Potion of Weakness: One minute and 30 seconds of melee damaged reduced by two Hearts. Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye

Advanced Potions (require more than one special ingredient)

  • Ingredient: Ghast Tear

  • Ingredient: Sugar

  • Ingredient: Magma Cream

  • Ingredient: Glistering Melon

  • Ingredient: Golden Carrot

  • Ingredient: Blaze Powder

  • Ingredient: Rabbit’s Foot

  • Ingredient: Pufferfish

  • Ingredient: Phantom Membrane

  • Ingredient: Spider Eye

  • Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye

The following potions can be considered alternative versions of the potions listed above. You’ll need to first brew one of the above potions, then alter it with a Fermented Spider Eye. You can alter potions by placing them where you would normally place the Water Bottle in the Brewing Stand, then adding new ingredients.

  • Potion of Slowness: One minute and 30 seconds of 15% slower speed. Ingredients Sugar (makes Potion of Swiftness) Fermented Spider Eye Potion of Harming: Causes three hearts of damage instantly. Ingredients Glistering Melon (makes Potion of Healing) Fermented Spider Eye Potion of Invisibility: Three minutes of invisibility for the player. This does not affect the player’s worn equipment or held items. Ingredients Golden Carrot (makes Potion of Night Vision) Fermented Spider Eye

Maximizing Potion Potency or Length of Effects - Minecraft Potions

Some potions can be altered to increase the time or potency of their effects. This is a straightforward process, but you can only increase one or the other, not both.

  • Ingredients Sugar (makes Potion of Swiftness) Fermented Spider Eye

  • Sugar (makes Potion of Swiftness) Fermented Spider Eye

  • Ingredients Glistering Melon (makes Potion of Healing) Fermented Spider Eye

  • Glistering Melon (makes Potion of Healing) Fermented Spider Eye

  • Ingredients Golden Carrot (makes Potion of Night Vision) Fermented Spider Eye

  • Golden Carrot (makes Potion of Night Vision) Fermented Spider Eye

Extending Potion Length in Minecraft

To extend the time that the potion affects you, you will add Redstone Dust as the next ingredient of the potion. The following potions can have their time increased if you brew them with Redstone Dust.

  • Potion of Regeneration: Doubles the time that the regeneration affects the player. It does not affect the speed of the regeneration. This means you will regenerate 18 hearts over time, rather than just nine Hearts. Potion of Swiftness: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Fire Resistance: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Night Vision: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Strength: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Leaping: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Water Breathing: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Invisibility: Increases time from three minutes to eight minutes. Potion of Slow Falling: Increases time from one minute and 30 seconds to four minutes. Potion of Poison: Doubles the time that poison affects the player. It does not affect the speed. This means you will lose 36 hearts over time, rather than just 18 Hearts. Potion of Weakness: Increases time from one minute and 30 seconds to four minutes. Potion of Slowness: Increases time from one minute and 30 seconds to four minutes. Potion of the Turtle Master: Increases time from 20 seconds to 40 seconds.

Extending Potion Potency in Minecraft

To extend the potency that the potion affects you, you will add Glowstone Dust as the next ingredient of the potion. This will usually also shorten the time that the potion affects you. The following potions can have their time increased if you brew them with Glowstone Dust.

  • Potion of Regeneration: Regenerates nine hearts over 22 seconds instead of 45 seconds. Potion of Swiftness: Increases speed by 40% and increases field of vision. Decreases time from three minutes to one minute and 30 seconds. Potion of Healing: Instantly restores four hearts of health. Potion of Strength: Increases melee damage by three hearts. Decreases time from three minutes to one minute and 30 seconds. Potion of Leaping: Further increases jump height and reduces fall damage. Decreases time from three minutes to one minute and 30 seconds. Potion of Poison: Poisons 18 hearts over 22 seconds instead of 45 seconds. Does not go reduce health below half a heart. Potion of Slowness: Decreases speed by 60%. Decreases time from one minute and 30 seconds to 20 seconds. Potion of Harming: Instantly causes six hearts of damage. Potion of the Turtle Master: Slows player by 90% and reduces damage taken by 80%. Does not decrease time of original potion.

Splash Potions and Lingering Potions

The last thing to know about potions is that you can turn them into Splash Potions and Lingering Potions. These are variants of the original potions that are thrown to cause effects on players that fall within their range of effect.

How to make Splash Potion in Minecraft

Splash potions can be thrown and create an area of effect that affects all players and mobs in range. Any potion can be made into a splash potion by adding Gun Powder as the next ingredient. Once thrown, the potion breaks and can not be collected again.

The duration of the effect depends on how far away the entity is from the potion when it breaks. If the potion splashes directly onto the player, it lasts the full duration of the potion. If the entity is two blocks away from the splash (splash ranges up to four blocks), then it lasts for 50% of the normal duration.

How to make a Lingering Potion in Minecraft

Lingering potions can be thrown and create an area of effect that lingers for a period of time. Any player or mob that enters the lingering potion’s area of effect will begin to absorb some of its potency. Any splash potion can be made into a lingering potion by adding Dragon’s Breath as the next ingredient. The Dragon’s Breath must be brewed from a Splash Potion, not on a normal potion.

The lingering potion starts off with a radius of 3 blocks and decreases to 0 blocks over 30 seconds. If a player walks within the area of effect, the effects of the potion are applied for one-fourth of the time of the potion’s normal duration and the lingering potion’s radius immediately drops by half a block.

If the potion does not have a duration and instead causes instant effects, the potency of the effect is half of the strength of the potion’s standard potency.

This covers everything you need to know about potions and their recipes. We will update this when new potions are added or the mechanics change, so be sure to check back with every major update!

Now you know potions, but do you know banner patterns? Check out our guide on How to Make All Banner Patterns in Minecraft!