Mirage mains know that even though his decoys can be useful at tricking other Apex Legends players, sometimes they don’t always work as planned. One of the biggest reasons for this is when a Mirage Decoy doesn’t move properly. A huge glitch that had generally affected everyone who has played Mirage enough was him getting stuck on even the slightest bump in the ground.

There would be times that bumps on both organic and inorganic geometry would stop a Decoy from moving at all, and with his ultimate, sometimes they’d just get stuck in a big bundle. His decoys would just do a little glitch-y dance in place until they eventually disappeared. This would render both of Mirage’s abilities fairly useless when it occurred and was especially punishing on the ultimate.

Luckily, according to the Apex Legends Season 12: Defiance patch notes, it seems that Mirage’s Decoys will have a better read on bumpy terrain and non-level environments, allowing the Decoys to move naturally across going forward.

For more Apex Legends content, check out How the Caustic nerf affects his Nox Gas Traps in Apex Legends Season 12: Defiance on Pro Game Guides.