Mob Psycho 100 is a Studio Bones (My Hero Academia) anime, based on a manga created by ONE (One-Punch Man). The first season premiered in 2016 and features the adventures of a socially awkward 8th Grader named Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo. The hook is that Mob is immensely powerful psychic abilities. Throughout the series, he battles spirits, evil espers, and his own emotions as he tries to suppress his abilities to prevent himself from losing control at 100%. The concept features a notably overpowered protagonist. However, it uses the superhuman nature of Mob to emphasize his humanity in a way that struck a chord with many viewers.

Not long ago, a special event announced the second season of the anime. And Crunchyroll recently added to the hype with an announcement of their own. Once again, they’d team with Fathom Events to bring their Crunchyroll Movie Nights to U.S. theaters. And the subject for this is none other than Mob Psycho 100 II. The follow-up of the anime premieres in January, as part of the Spring anime season. And this event brings that premiere to theaters on Saturday, January 5 to over 500 theaters across the country. It’s joined by the special that announced the second season – Mob Psycho 100 REIGEN: The Miraculous Unknown Psychic.

The premiere already screened to audiences at Anime NYC in November. The entire Bones staff returns for the project, meaning fans can probably expect more of the same, in terms of quality. The most recent Crunchyroll Movie Night was the widely celebrated Yuri!!! On Ice, this past October. Furthermore, the announcement implies that there are more on the way. As for Mob Psycho 100 II, tickets go on sale Friday for general audiences. However, Crunchyroll subscribers can buy them right now. The first season of Mob Psycho 100 is on Crunchyroll. Also, the dub joined the Toonami programming block in October.