The Open Beta of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available, and many players from across the globe are experiencing it. Unlike the previous Call of Duty games, players are much more excited about Modern Warfare 2 and everyone can see the joy of players, something we saw when Black Ops and the first Modern Warfare game were released. The most important part of Modern Warfare 2 is it’s multiplayer. This means choosing the best weapon is essential and here is how to unlock the Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2.

How to Unlock the Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2

On the battlefield of Modern Warfare 2, there are two major factors that dictate which player will win. The first one is the skill and the second one is their weapon of choice. Lachmann-556 is one of the best weapons in Modern Warfare 2 that you can use.

There is only one way to unlock and get the Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2. First, you have to unlock the ability to create your custom load-outs. You can unlock this ability by playing a match.

The next thing you have to do is to equip the Expedite 12 shotgun in your primary slot. Then select a perk that has Overkill, like Deadeye. Once you do this, you will notice that Lachmann-556 will appear as your secondary weapon.

How to Unlock Price in Modern Warfare 2

Until now this is the only way you can get your hands on a Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2. Surely this will be fixed by a minor update or in the final version of the game. Nonetheless, if you want to use the Lachmann-556, this is the method you have to use.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on October 28.