Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been around for a while. Eliminating enemies and winning matches is quite an important requirement for ranking up in such games. However, weapons and bombs may not always work to eliminate enemies. At this point, the players seek new methods to inflict deadly damage on enemies. It seems like a new, quite amusing way that has been discovered, and it allows you to kill enemies with a fire extinguisher in Modern Warfare 2. Here are the details.

Modern Warfare 2 Player Uses Fire Extinguisher to Kill Enemy

The sequel to the 2019 reboot serves as the nineteenth installment in the overall Call of Duty series. While Modern Warfare 2 continues to climb to the top of the Steam charts, some players are discovering interesting methods, bugs, and details about the game. A new one has been added to Call of Duty’s weirdnesses today.

In multiplayer FPS games like Call of Duty, weapons and bombs may not be the only way to kill the enemy; sometimes, a tool found in the environment could inflict deadly damage to the enemy. However, some CoD mythbusters from content creator DefendTheHouse may have found a new way to take down enemies in Modern Warfare 2. This new method is quite interesting and funny because you can kill enemies with a fire extinguisher.

DefendTheHouse has released the second video in the MythBusters series featuring Modern Warfare 2. Here the team tested many of the myths about the game and, at the 11:04 mark in the video, tried to kill the enemy with fire extinguishers. Actually, this myth worked, and a funny and interesting method of fire extinguishers was revealed, which did deadly damage to enemies. If you want to use the new method in Modern Warfare 2, just shoot any fire extinguisher near the enemy. Although this method does a lot of damage, it’s not deadly on its own, but if the enemy is wounded, it can finish him off in one go.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.