Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released in the past month and was met with plenty of excitement from the gaming committee. Like its predecessor, the game takes place in a realistic and modern setting. The campaign follows British special forces unit Task Force 141 and Mexican Special Forces unit Los Vaqueros as they attempt to track down Iranian Quds Force major and terrorist Hassan Zyani. The game’s main playable characters are Johnny “Soap” MacTavish and Kyle “Gaz” Garrick of Task Force 141. Since the game is brand new, players could sometimes face weird bugs and details. It seems to have players discover a new, pretty weird movement technique named G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2.

Players Discover Movement Trick ‘G-Walk’ in Modern Warfare 2

Introducing the G-Walk 🫶🏻

— EUPHORIA (@EUPHORlADREAM) November 21, 2022

The sequel to the 2019 reboot serves as the nineteenth installment in the overall Call of Duty series. While Modern Warfare 2 continues to climb to the top of the Steam charts, some players are discovering interesting methods, bugs, and details about the game. A new one has been added to Call of Duty’s weirdnesses today.

Some Modern Warfare 2 players have discovered a new movement technique in the game called G-Walk. The new movement makes players harder to hit and greatly increases their speed. Frankly, a little scary too. Movement and speed are very important things in such multiplayer shooter games as Call of Duty, and the newly discovered G-Walk attracts a lot of attention. At this point, no one but the EuphoriaDream group knows how the new trick, which went viral quickly, was made.

Thankfully, some members of EuphoriaDream have promised tutorials for the new weird movement. However, it should not be forgotten that Infinity Ward removes the things that give an advantage to the players and cause unfair competition in their games. That’s why G-Walk won’t stay in Modern Warfare 2 for too long.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.