Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a juggernaut of a game. Since its release it has performed extremely well. The game has also received a lot of positive feedback, and has become the fastest-selling Call of Duty game of all time. With such a big following, there is no doubt that the game will continue to have substantial post-launch support, and a new leak suggests that Activision might be adding in a new feature that would play well to a lot of Modern Warfare 2’s fans.

According to Twitter use @RalphsValve, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be getting customizable kill-cams. If this leak is true, the game will be adding the ability to create memes with the kill-cam feature, including adding in your own graphics, audio, gifs, images, and templates.

Many fans have been skeptical about the authenticity of this claim. Some point out that the patent concept is old, and others state that this would likely come in a future title. Furthermore, many complain that the Play of the Game and Final Kill kill-cam features are currently broken and not working correctly.

Memeing on your opponents sounds like a hysterical and creative feature. It would provide plenty of laughs, but might also increase player toxicity as well if utilized poorly. It remains to be seen whether this feature will truly be added to the game, but the possibility is enough to get the community talking about it.

Modern Warfare 2 is off to a strong start, and the multiplayer in particular has been well received. Season 1 is looking to offer a plethora of content for the players.