One of the big selling points of Call of Duty: Elite was the ability to not only form a clan, but to take that clan into competitions against others for fun and/or prizes. This was a highly touted leading up to the release of the subscription service, but likely hit the back-burner as Beachhead Studios scrambled to get the stat-tracking and enrollment processes functioning correctly. Though they have been working on getting the Clan Operations features up and running, and recently gave a status update on the functionality.

Over on the Call of Duty: Elite forums, Beachhead updated fans on the new features, and how you’ll be able to interact with it on the Call of Duty: Elite website. It appears that the Clan Operation functions will be similar to the how the lone wolf style competitions have worked in the past. You’ll earn XP as a group, and be given the opportunity to enroll in contests that not only offer bragging rights and medals, but prizes as well.

There’s no official word on when these new features will go live, but the developer has said “We’re currently putting all Clan Operations through extensive testing.”

  • This article was updated on March 7th, 2018

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