Here’s more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 mutliplayer gameplay footage out of Call of Duty: XP. The festival for all things Call of Duty may be over, but impressions and videos of the recently revealed multiplayer have just gotten started.
Infinity Ward and Sledghammer Games have revealed that you’ll be playing by a whole new set of rules come November. There are plenty of new weapons and perks to get aquainted with before then, which you can find here.
Modern Warfare 3 launches this fall on Xbox 360, PC, PS3, and Wii on November 8th. For a taste of the multiplayer hit the video below, and tell us what you think of the new and improved Call of Duty 8.
- This article was updated on March 8th, 2018
More on Attack of the Fanboy :
Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Modern Warfare 3 Tango Down Multiplayer Trailer