Sledehammer Games is rumored to be working on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, presumably for the next-generation, and will see the introduction of photo-realistic visuals in the shooter. Sledgehammer who shared development duties with Infinity Ward and Raven Software on Modern Warfare 3, have apparently taken the reigns on the Modern Warfare franchise going forward. A recent discovery of a resume for a visual effects artist who is employed by Sledgehammer has outed the franchise.

Discovered earlier today and posted to NeoGaf, the resume of Rob Valdivia show signs pointing to Modern Warfare 4.

My name is Robert Valdvia and I am a Senior VFX Artist from Los Angeles but currently residing in the San Francisco bay area. I work at Sledgehammer Games where I’m responsible for developing photo real visuals effects for the next Call of Duty – Modern Warfare release,” reads the developer’s profile on the social network.

Valdivia’s resume lists him working at Sledgehammer Games for about four months, but it’s unclear when we should be expecting Modern Warfare 4. Will Activision be adding a third team to the Call of Duty cycle in the next-generation to avoid stagnation of the franchise? They’ve still got Treyarch and their popular Black Ops series, Infinity Ward seems to be doing their own thing with Call of Duty: Ghosts, and now Sledgehammer has all but been confirmed for Modern Warfare 4.

We likely won’t be hearing any details about this game anytime soon, especially with Call of Duty: Ghosts being so much of a mystery still.

  • This article was updated on March 9th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / Rumors / Modern Warfare 4 rumored to be in development at Sledgehammer Games

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