Not only is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare making big numbers on the overall sales front for the year, but it’s also producing huge numbers when it comes to its digital copies alone.

A new report from Superdata (via GamesIndustry International) confirms that the game has sold 4.75 million digital units for October alone. That means it’s shifted a significant number of units within a matter of days across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The news comes straight from SuperData’s digital games market report for the month. As a result of these sales numbers, the game has become the best-selling digital title on the console and the sixth best-selling game on PC for 2019. We haven’t even reached Black Friday yet, where the game will be on sale for $38 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. (The PC version should likely follow suit, though nothing is confirmed just yet.)

While Modern Warfare is doing great on PC, it couldn’t keep up with other hits on that front. League of Legends continues to dominate with a first-place victory for the month.

The same sales report also reported big success for Call of Duty: Mobile. According to those details, the game generated a whopping $57 million for October, with about 82 percent of players coming in from the iOS/Apple front. Overall, it received 116 million MAUs, which spells good news for the long term. The game recently saw a limited time Zombies event, which fans won’t want to miss.

Where Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Mobile go from here remains to be seen. But with the holiday season, don’t be surprised if they become even bigger hits.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now. Call of Duty: Mobile is also available to download for iOS and Google Play.