For most people, the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a series high that has yet to be beaten or even matched. For this year’s Call of Duty, Activision is looking to change that by releasing a new take on Modern Warfare.

Due to release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on October 25th, Modern Warfare will serve as a soft reboot for the franchise and will feature a story full of troubling, realistic moments.

Ahead of the impending release Activision has released a new trailer for the story mode complete with the return of the fantastic Captain Price, now voiced by Barry Sloane instead of Billy Murray.

You can see the trailer just below and it looks lovely. To me, it feels as if a lot of effort has been put into this year’s Call of Duty and the trailer itself plays out as if it is showing you the highlights from a summer blockbuster movie. I’ve gone from having almost zero interest in a franchise I’ve felt has become stagnant to actively looking forward to at least giving it a try.

Curse you advertising. Anyway, take a look at it for yourselves and see what you think.

On October 25th, when the world is threatened, you’ll have to get your hands dirty so the world stays clean. #ModernWarfare

— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) September 24, 2019

You can’t tell me that doesn’t get the adrenaline pumping just a little bit and after the multiplayer-focused Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, I’m just glad to see the return of a proper single-player campaign. How I’ve missed those.

Speaking of multiplayer though, Modern Warfare will support crossplay so you can destroy your friends even if they don’t own the same system as you. This does open console players up to being obliterated by the old mouse and keyboard, however, you will be able to choose specific, controller-only lobbies.

With just a month to release, there’s not long to wait to find out if the game can live up to the hype. Here’s hoping it can forge a place as everyone’s new favorite.