Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare has revealed a new patch. The update makes multiple playlist changes and weapon tweaks. The updates are now available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

To begin with, there’s the Custom Gunfight mode. Added to the rotating playlists, it’ll allow players to use custom classes. Shipment has become the new 24/7 map following Shoot the Ship. The map can now be experienced back to back in various game modes.

Modern Warfare’s update also includes Deathmatch Domination, while Winter Docks has been removed. Capture the Flag, in the meantime, has been moved into the QuickPlay Filter.

The update also includes weapons. Infinity Ward has been hard at work tweaking a selection of weapons for balancing within Modern Warfare. There’s the P5, with a reduced headshot multiplier and small reduction to 10mm range.

The M13 has seen a range increase, but a small reduction horizontal recoil. Furthermore, it has been given a small damage increase which boosts the effectiveness of a headshot.

There’s been a slight decrease in the damage and range on the M4. As a result, this will reduce headshot effectiveness. Lastly is the Crossbow. Modern Warfare players were once able to shoot down an enemy Support Helo with only three Thermite Bolts, but it has now changed. It’ll take five to down a VTOL and six for a Support Helo and Chopper Gunner.

Modern Warfare’s update further includes a fix for the ATV exploit in Ground War. It has fixed the invisibility problem with the LA OpTic CDL, re-tuned spawning locations for all Shipment Modes, as well as confusing prompt buttons in the Social menu for matchmaking.

Last October, the Special Ops Mode for Modern Warfare was revealed. Check out the link here for the full story.