Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to have more downloadable content than any other game in the series’ long-running history. This announcement came after the news that Modern Warfare will not have a Season Pass.

The Season Pass for the previous games was one way Activision was able to give players what they wanted but without the massive quarterly drops from DLC. The Season Pass distributed content over the course of a set number of weeks for the “season”. DLCs typically released massive amounts of content including new maps, new weapons, and more ever three months or so. Thankfully, even though Modern Warfare is ditching their Season Pass model, that doesn’t mean there won’t be enough content to satisfy all the fans out there.

Currently, we don’t know how much DLC Activision is planning to release during the life of the game. A good majority of the DLC has been confirmed to be free, including all of its post-launch maps. COO Coddy Johnson had this to say about the plan for post-game content.

Those at Infinity Ward and Activision have yet to give out the specific details about what is to happen with post-launch content. Currently, there has yet to be any confirmation regarding any battle royale modes as well for Modern Warfare. A recent rumor states that a new standalone (and free) battle royale mode for Modern Warfare will arrive by 2020.

Modern Warfare will release on October 25th, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.