Although Monster Hunter Rise‘s Kamura Village is smaller than World‘s Astera, this Japanese-inspired hunting hub is still filled with various exciting details and secrets for players to discover. Here are some of the Kamura Village secrets that you might have missed in your Monster Hunter Rise playthrough.

1. You Can Watch the Argosy Submarines from Gathering Hub

In Monster Hunter Rise, the Botanical Garden or farm is replaced by the Argosy Trade Request, where you send your Palicoes and Palamutes to other regions to haggle for items using Kamura Points. After sending out the Argosy’s trade submarines on their way, if you’re fast enough (either by Wirebugging like crazy or Fast Traveling), you can watch their submarines go past the Gathering Hub’s riverside balcony.

2. Change Cohoot’s Sitting Location

Usually, if you see a red diamond on several spots, that means you can send the Cohoot to sit there, such as on top of Mihaba, the Apprentice’s booth, or on the building signpost behind Hinoa. But you can also make your Cohoot sit on one of Yomogi’s teashop benches by sitting there with the Cohoot on your hand and pressing the Send Cohoot Away option.

3. Sic the Cohoot at Master Utsushi

With the Cohoot on your arm, walk to the building near the harbor on the western part of Kamura Village. You should see Master Utsushi standing on the roof, looking all cool and ninja-like. Then, if you’re annoyed at how cool Utsushi is by posing like that, see if there’s a red diamond on the roof, then simply press R2 to sic your Cohoot at him. Watch as he gets startled and tries to protect himself from Cohoot’s attacks.

4. Free Items in the Cohoot Nest in Buddy Plaza

And talking about Cohoot, there’s one last thing you should know regarding the ninja owl. Unlike other secrets you can find all over Kamura Village, knowing this one is actually pretty important for your Monster Hunter Rise playthrough.

On the top of the tree just behind Felyne Chief Kogarashi, the Meowcenaries NPC, you can find Cohoot Nest. Climb the tree by going up the vines behind it. There, you will find various items. From consumables like Rations and Sushifishes to Silver or Steel Eggs that can be sold for extra Zenny and even Lagniapple to get more rewards from Argosy trading submarine and Meowcenaries expeditions.

The nest can store up to five items, one added per quest, but there won’ be any notifications when the Cohoot Nest is full. With that in mind, you can time it with Meowcenaries expeditions. Once the Meowcenaries are back, then it’s time to plunder the Cohoot Nest as well.

5. Paintings Depicting Previous Games’ Villages

You can see one of Rondine, the Trader’s Felyne assistants, Chino, painting the Toadversary in the Buddy Plaza. And if you take a glance at its other paintings, you can see them depicting areas from older Monster Hunter games. The obvious ones are Yukumo Village from Monster Hunter P3rd and Bherna from Monster Hunter Generation.

6. Get Room Decors from the Lottery

Your house in Rise is much smaller and modest compared to Monster Hunter World. But you can still acquire additional room decorations to spice up your traditional Japanese-styled dwelling. See if the Grand Prize in the Lottery shows a Hinoa doll-like icon. That means you can get room decor as the prize. But even if you hit the Jackpot, sometimes you still won’t get the room decoration anyway. The Monster Hunter series’s RNGod is cruel, after all.

7. Secret Felyne (with Secrets) in Your House

Interact with the wall scroll behind the small stove in your house, and you will discover a secret Felyne named Fukashigi. Fukashigi, the Informant, will impart new secrets (read: gossips) about Kamura Village as you progress through Monster Hunter Rise Hunter Ranks up to Rank 7. Unfortunately, there’s no way to read about Fukashigi’s previous secrets since its messages don’t rotate. That means if you discovered it late on Hunter Rank 7, you will be stuck with the secret about Yomogi’s origin only. I’ll list all of his secret messages for the next Monster Hunter Rise article.

8. Make your Buddies Stay and Play with Them with the “Wait!” Menu

See the Wait! option in the Action Bar? It’s a way to tell your Buddies to stay put. This is extremely useful if you’re trying to get a perfect Guild Card photo without worrying that they will photobomb it or having to remove your Buddies from your hunting party. Aside from making them stay at one spot, you can also play with your Buddies by walking to them. For Palamutes, you can shake its hand, pet it, or give it a treat. For Palicoes, you can pet it, give it a high five, or play around with it.

You can not only do this in the Kamura Village but also in hunting areas, maybe if you don’t want them to butt in on your fights (4-Hunters with 4-Palamutes is a particle effects nightmare) or praise them after a successful hunt. Playing around with your Buddies doesn’t actually affect anything in the game, but it’s nice for Capcom for giving us the option.

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.