With great anticipation, The Game Awards 2020 revealed a new trailer for Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter is an award-winning franchise focusing on being an action RPG series. The trailer previewed at the Game Awards showed us exciting news for the upcoming game. Read now to learn all the little details.
Monsters Have Risen
The trailer showcased a great new exciting gameplay trailer for the upcoming game. As in previous games, you will be transported to exciting new locations to hunt. Along with the gameplay came the announcement of two new monsters. The added monsters will be Bishaten and Somnacanth. Monster Hunter Rise states
An exciting detailed description of the monsters you will be hunting in the new game.
The Village of Kamura
The trailer for Monster Hunter Rise also showcased the mysterious new Rampage events. These Rampage events threaten Kamura Village, the location that houses all players. Monster Hunter Rise will have you protect the city during the event. You will build defensive units to prepare for the oncoming battle. Life holds on the line in these new events, more to come in the months ahead.